Bibelske Pafos
Vi ser på restene etter denne byen som er beskrevet i Bibelen.
Bibelens omtale av EnGedi, er først og fremst en del av historien om Davids flukt fra kong Saul. En historie mange barn har lest flere ganger. EnGedi finnes der den dag i dag i landet Israel. En kort film om stedet og historien.
Heiki snakker her om alle funn som har gjordt som bekrefter Bibelens troverdighet som en historisk bok.
Where was the red sea crossing? With all new aerial footage, Lennart Moller and Ross Patterson discuss the possible options for the Red sea crossing site, and why they can easily be narrowed down to one, just by simply understanding the geography of the region. This is part one of a series Ben Jones (godslastwarning.com) […]
This is first part of what will be a longer film. This is a little of the historical back-story to the great topic on the discovery of the Ark of The Covenant. We in the next parts also cover excavations that has been done and try and see the great meaning behind it all. Hope […]
Where was the red sea crossing? What is the evidence for it? You will be amazed how clear the evidence for the red sea crossing actually is. http://www.godslastwarning.com http://www.discoverynews.net
The real Mt. Sinai is over in Saudi Arabia, just as Paul said. See the blackened, burned peak, the split rock which Moses struck, and the altar which the golden calf was placed.
See chariot parts and people parts in the sea where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground.