Jesu høytider del 3: Påsken
Her fortsetter serien om de Bibelske høytider, denne gang fokuserer vi på påskens symbolikk og betydning.
Her fortsetter serien om de Bibelske høytider, denne gang fokuserer vi på påskens symbolikk og betydning.
Det er gjør godt å dvele ved historier om Jesus i evangeliene. Noen av dem forteller om egenskaper vi gjerne skulle ha hatt mer av selv.
Presentation at Royal Oak Seventh-day Adventist Church, Auckland New Zealand Speaker is Ross Patterson.
When was the Ark of the covenant hidden or removed from the temple? Many have tried to figure out what happend to the ark of the covenant containing the ten commandments written with God’s own finger. This bible-study might indicate when it was taken away from the temple.
Informative sermon done by pastor Doug Batchelor of Amazing Facts. http://www.amazingfacts.org
Film about the importance of the Ark of the Covenant. And also about how the antichrist will set himself in the temple of God as if he was God himself. This movie has now on different online media sites been viewed almost 1 million times!
Israel was given several feast days as memorial of their past experiances with God and to teach them more anout the mission of the Messiah. How can understanding Christ mission as seen in the feast days help us to understand more of the present and future events of the Ark ? Engelsk webserie som tar […]
Is there a king of the Ark? What is His area of juristiction and will He come back to jugde the world? What part plays the Ark of the covenant in all of this? Engelsk webserie som tar for seg de forskjellige påstander at Paktens ark er funnet og da spesielt påstanden at den […]