Answer to Prayer Miracle – Angel saves Adventist boy from drowning at beach ENGELSK
Watch this video and be amazed at how God rescued this young man from a near-death experience at the beach in Australia and saved him (in more ways than one!).
Watch this video and be amazed at how God rescued this young man from a near-death experience at the beach in Australia and saved him (in more ways than one!).
Is there a king of the Ark? What is His area of juristiction and will He come back to jugde the world? What part plays the Ark of the covenant in all of this? Engelsk webserie som tar for seg de forskjellige påstander at Paktens ark er funnet og da spesielt påstanden at den […]
Episode 6 av serien. Denne episode legger frem bibelens omtale om den spesielle Herrens Engel. vi viser her hvordan bibelen forklarer at det er Jesus som viser seg flere ganger i det gamle testamentet. Denne episoden gir også en god innsikt i forholdet mellom Faderen og Sønnen.